The territory

Le Marche


Le Marche is a region in central Italy covering an area of over 9,000 square kilometres, washed by the Adriatic Sea to the east and protected by the Apennines to the west.

The region is characterised by a strong biodiversity of the territory: the long coastline, with pebble, sand and rocky beaches, gives way first to a hilly landscape and then to mountains, rich in meadows, beech forests and cultivated terraces.

On this basis, the inhabitants of the Marches have developed a special cultivation and breeding skill, characterised by a type of processing that does not follow the logic of mass production and, for this reason, there is a multitude of products that differ from village to village and in which great attention is paid to genuineness and wholesomeness

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There are many characteristic products of the region: oil, fresh pasta, cheese and cured meats. Already in the 13th century, oil was used as a bargaining chip with the transit of ships from the Marches along the Po, then resold at high prices for its well-known qualities of aroma and flavour.

Pasta and bread have kept intact over time the mixtures of soft and durum wheat semolina that give them high quality organoleptic properties. Cheeses from the Marche have been appreciated since the days of Augustus’ Rome, with the mix of cow’s and sheep’s milk giving rise to one of the most renowned pecorino cheeses, Casciotta di Urbino.

Not to mention the many cured meats and cold cuts produced in the Marche region, including one that is particularly popular in the south of the Marche: Ciauscolo

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More than 17,000 hectares are dedicated to wine growing in the region, which, thanks to the variety of climatic conditions in the region, produces wines with the most diverse aromas.

Despite the fact that the region is not one of the most important for wine production, there are many DOC and DOCG marks obtained from local products

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